10 DIY Backyard Hacks That Are Sure to Spruce Up Your Yard!

Backyards can be a wonderful thing or a dreadful thing. In some cases they can be something dreadful that can become something wonderful. We often have love-hate relationships with backyards due to many different factors. We have created a list of 10 DIY backyard hacks, especially for this reason.
Tire Plant(s):
Tire plants are one thing I cannot get enough of. They can be made to fit any backyard or any theme.
What you will need:
An old tire (or several depending on how many you want to do).
Potting Soil
First, wash off the old tire to make sure it doesn’t have any dirt or grime on it. Once it dries thoroughly you paint it whatever color you choose or leave it unpainted. You put the potting soil inside the tire and then plant your plants in the potting soil. Now, you can prop the tires on their side to plant, you can hang them like a tire swing, or you can lay them flat (potting and planting is a little bit different if you do it this way!).
Cinder Block (for plants):
Cinder blocks make a great addition to the backyard, especially if they are painted and have plants in them!
What you will need:
Cinder blocks ( we used 3)
Potting Soil
First you paint the cinder blocks the color of your choice. You put planting soil in the holes and then plant whatever plants you choose. *3 blocks will hold 6 plants. **Some people put gardening mesh and gardening fabric on the bottom of the block. This is completely up to you but is advised if you are stacking the blocks like a wall.
Cinder Blocks (for a table):
While cinder blocks are awesome as a plant holder, they are equally as awesome as a table.
What you will need:
Cinder blocks (we used 8)
Zip ties *optional
You simply paint the blocks and let them dry.
Then you make two rows of 4 cinder blocks, each standing vertically. When put together they offer a flat surface or table top to place items. **We’ve made this without zip ties to hold them together and with zip ties. That is strictly a personal preference.
Glow in the Dark Rocks/Pebbles:
This is a great idea for backyards, whether you have kids or are a kid at heart.
What you will need:
Glow in the Dark Paint
Rocks or Pebbles
You simply paint your rocks or pebbles and let them dry. You can strategically place them throughout your yard or just randomly place them in different sizes. Let them stay in the sun all day. At night, watch them light up in the backyard! **Some people make a pathway with the rocks and pebbles so they do not need a flashlight when walking in the backyard at night.
Concrete Crack:
Use concrete crack (looks similar to caulk and comes with a gun) to fill in the gaps on your patio or sidewalk in your backyard. This will prevent weeds from growing between the cracks and save you money on weed killers.
Hang up a mailbox on your back porch. Then add scissors, screwdrivers, rope, and other handy items you may need. It makes a great storage container/tool box and keeps the items protected from the elements.
Herb Gardens:
Herb Gardens is a great pick-me-up for any backyard. While most are placed in window boxes and attached outside of windows, this is a little different.
What you will need:
Stair Riser
Window Boxes (3)
Potting Soil
Paint the window boxes any color of your choosing and let them dry. Place one in each space of the stair riser. Add the potting soil and herbs of your choice. Sit back and enjoy!
Solar Lights:
Solar lights are a great way to add a glow to the backyard. They also go perfectly with the glow in the dark rocks and pebbles.
What you will need:
Basket Hooks (as many as you prefer)
Solar Lights (for as many hooks as you prefer)
*Lights can be purchased relatively cheaply at Dollar General or Family Dollar stores.
Hang the hooks on the back of your house and/or your fence line. Place the solar lights on the hooks. Let them sit in the sun all day. By nightfall you will have a lit up backyard.
Garden Tool Holder:
This is probably the easiest of all the hacks! All you need is an old iron/metal rake. You hang it up by the handle and then hang your garden tools on the teeth. If you want an added flare you can paint the rake as well!
Chandelier Bird Feeder:
This is by far one of my favorite hacks: turning an old chandelier into a beautiful bird feeder. You can simply clean the chandelier, hang it up, and put the feed in the light bulb holders. You can also refurbish or paint the chandelier. Whichever you choose, the birds will be delighted and always fed.
Whether you have a color scheme or a theme for your backyard, these hacks are sure to add some uniqueness. Big backyards or small backyards don’t matter. These hacks are made for all and they are budget friendly.